Templates For PageSeq

1-Up Aution Card
How to set up a 1-Up auction card using PageSeq

With auction cards the idea is to get the numerals as large as possible so the auctioneer at the front of the room can easily read the numbers. This downloadable Template can also be used for any simple consecutive numbering job.

In this example the Starting Number is set to 9899.

To utilize the full length of the 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper we need to rotate the Master Head. To do this, select and change the Rotation value to 90.

To change the font size, click on the Font button. In the font window, you can type any value directly into the font Size window even if it isn’t in the drop down menu. In this case, our font is set to 250.

2-Up Invoice
How to set up a 2-Up invoice using PageSeq

This sample job is for 1,000 numbered invoices 8 1/2″ x 5 1/2″. We are printing 2-up on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper. This 2-up invoice downloadable Template can also be used for any 2-up simple consecutive numbering job.

Master Head value will reflect the starting number when the numbering direction is set to Ascending.">Start Number is 1

Total Pages is 500

Descending order will place the lowest number on the top of the printed stack

No Preface since the PDF already has INV. in my number area

Zero Pad is set to 6 to leave plenty of digits for future invoice numbering

Head 2’s Master Head. The value of the head is calculated from the start number, the Step value. For example, if you are printing 1,000 invoices 2-up on an 8-1/2” x 11” sheet and you have 2 number heads, you would need to print 500 sheets. The Seed Value of Head 2 would be 500.">Seed value is 500

How to set up a 3-Up receipt book using PageSeq

This sample job is for a book with 1,000 numbered receipts, 3 per 8 1/2″ x 11″ page. This 3-Up receipt book downloadable Template can also be used for any 3-up simple consecutive numbering job.

Master Head value will reflect the starting number when the numbering direction is set to Ascending.">Start Number is 1

Total Pages (will actually print 1002 receipts)

Ascending order is used because this printer emits the paper face down

Step is set to 3, meaning all of the number heads will add 3 to the next sheet

Preface is set to the default “No.”

Zero Pad is set to 4 since I only need 4 digits for these receipts

Head 2’s Seed Value is 1

Head 3’s Seed Value is 2

Note: With Step set to 3, the Master Head on the first page will be No. 0001, the second page it will be No. 0004. If I set Step to 10, the first page would be No. 0001 and the next page would be No. 0011.

How to set up a 4-Up multi-part NCR form using PageSeq

This sample job is for a 2,5003-part carbonless NCR printed 4 per 8 1/2″ x 11″ page. This 4-Up Multi-Part NCR Downloadable Template can also be used for any 3-up simple consecutive numbering job.

Decending order is used because this printer emits the paper face up

Step defaults to 1

Copies is set to 3

Preface is set to “#”

Zero Pad is set to 5

Head 2’s Seed Value is 625

Head 3’s Seed Value is 1250

Head 4’s Seed Value is 1875

Note: The Copies value allows you to print the same number multiple times.

How to set up an 8-Up admission ticket using PageSeq

This 8-up raffle ticket has 2 sets of numbers on each ticket so it needs numbering heads in 16 positions. Each ticket has matching numbering on a horizontal body and a vertical stub. The numbers will be printed in Descending stacked order so that the finished booklets can be stapled together before being trimmed apart. This 8-Up admission ticket downloadable Template can also be used for any 3-up simple consecutive numbering job.

Start Number is 1

Total Pages is 625

Descending order is used because this printer emits the paper face up

Step defaults to 1

Copies defaults to 1

Skip defaults to 0

Preface is set to “No.”

Zero Pad is set to 5

Master Head: Rotation: 90 degrees

Head 2: Seed Value: 0

Head 3: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 625

Head 4: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 625

Head 5: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 1250

Head 6: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 1250

Head 7: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 1875

Head 8: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 1875

Head 9: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 2500

Head 10: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 2500

Head 11: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 3125

Head 12: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 3125

Head 13: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 3750

Head 14: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 3750

Head 15: Rotation: 90 degrees; Seed Value: 4375

Head 16: Rotation: 0 degrees; Seed Value: 4375

Note: The Copies value allows you to print the same number multiple times.